Why Choose a CHAS-Accredited Tree Surgeon?

by Apr 2, 2024

Tree Surgeon North West

Are you looking for a qualified tree surgeon in the North West? Here at NorthernArb Tree Services we provide a full portfolio of tree services across the region. Our team provides a 24-hour emergency call-out service to both our commercial and residential clients. As CHAS accredited tree surgeons, we are held accountable for maintaining high standards. This blog explains what it means to have a CHAS accreditation and how it benefits our customers.

What is CHAS Accreditation?

Tree Surgeons North West

CHAS, or the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme, sets the benchmark for health and safety compliance within the UK. For tree surgeons, achieving this accreditation means they meet rigorous standards. It’s not just about ticking boxes. It’s a commitment to excellence, safety, and professionalism. This badge of honour assures you that your tree care is in capable hands.

Why is it Important?

Tree Surgeon Rossendale

This accreditation signifies a tree surgeon’s dedication to maintaining high safety standards. This is crucial in a field as hazardous as arboriculture. Choosing a CHAS-approved tree surgeon mitigates risks, ensuring a safe environment for both staff and clients.

How it Benefits You

Tree Surgeon Bury

Choosing a CHAS-accredited tree surgeon brings you peace of mind. Firstly, it guarantees that the work carried out on your property is safe and compliant with UK health and safety regulations. This means fewer worries for you and better care for your trees. Additionally, it often results in a higher standard of workmanship. In essence, your trees couldn’t be in better hands.

Why Choose NorthernArb Tree Services

Tree Surgeon Accrington

At NorthernArb Tree Services, we pride ourselves on our CHAS accreditation. Our team of qualified tree surgeons brings a wealth of experience to every project. Operating across the North West, we ensure your trees receive the highest standard of care. Our commitment to safety, excellence, and customer satisfaction sets us apart. We’re not just about maintaining trees; we’re about building trust.

Get in Touch!

Tree Surgeon Colne

Have tree-related queries? Seeking professional advice? Look no further. Contact NorthernArb Tree Services today. Our friendly team is ready to assist with all your arboriculture needs. Let us help you ensure your trees remain a source of beauty and pride for years to come. Remember, when it comes to tree care in the North West, choosing a CHAS-approved tree surgeon is always the smarter choice.

Tree Surgeon North West